On the Way Home

Well the goodbye was tearful. I have really developed a grand bond with our team in India, Matthew, Jeffery and Wilma. The past 4 days, I have spent many, many hours with Jeff and Matt pouring into them Biblical principles, future driection and strategies to use to the truth of God to move forward in India. At the airport, there were long hugs and tears that were wiped from our faces. These men and their families face daily struggles and challanges. Words cannot describe the faith, talent and perseverence these men have. Through them, with your prayers, you are having a tremendous impact on India. May our commitment to that end continue strong. Spending until 1 and 2 am with Matt and Jefffery the past 4 nights is taking its toal. Now with a body that already is sleep deprived, we begin a 42 hour trip home with much of those miles in the air. I'll have to finish this when we get home because it is time to board the plane. Pray for our safe arrival home. I love you all, Ed


  1. Wow...what an amazing story. To read this from beginning to the end was something else. I hope in reading your 2006 posts to see some what happened as a result of this effort. Do you feel that people are more open to God's love because of the tremendous daily struggles they live through there? I will certainly pray for them all!


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