Romancing God

"Oh, how I love your law!  I think about it all day long."  Psalm 119:1 (NLT)
So how does a person get this point of loving God's Word and thinking about it all day long?  Is this only for people in the Bible or for super Christians?  How can we fall in love with God's Word?  There are certainly plenty of ways to accomplish this but they must have at least this one common denominator.  That commonality is to engage the Word, spend time in the Word and let it soak into your soul.  When that happens, you'll find yourself oozing God's love and truth naturally.
For too many Christians, reading God's Word is boring...which is too bad because it is anything but boring.  Yeah, there are some dry spots in it (think genealogies) but much of the Bible is full of stories that movies are made of and out of amazing principles about which books are written.  In the Bible we find good versus evil, right versus wrong, betrayal meets loyalty, wild chases, injustice corrected and on and on.  The world and our common enemy (Satan and his followers) want us to believe the Bible is boring and/or hard to understand but do not believe it.  The Word of God is full of LIFE!
Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the "Word of God is living and active...", that sounds like it is actually alive and dynamic, which it is.  Remember that the Holy Spirit lives in believers and He wrote the book through men.  He will reveal the deep layers of truth through the Word and open our minds to understand the Word.  We simply have to engage the Word by opening it up, asking God for fresh eyes and to open our minds, then you will begin to see amazing things.  God will speak to you!
I have been married for 33 years and yet my love for Debbie is stronger and more passionate than ever.  How is that possible you might ask?  It is possible because I work at it.  I allow my thoughts to be surrounded by Debbie's influence, the memory of her perfume and feel of her eyes staring into mine.  I'll often have a mushy card  or note  she has written to me near my desk to peak at now and again.  Because I keep my eyes on her, my heart craves more time to be with her.  This same commitment or focus should be applied to ‘romancing God’ and being in HIs Word.
If we are going to be ‘romancing God’, we have to believe that “...He is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him.”  Reading what He has written to us certainly is one of the ways that we can diligently seek Him.  
Imagine your church full of people who are reading God’s Word in large volumes every week (like 20 - 30 chapters a week)?  Imagine the wealth of insights, knowledge, wisdom and maturity that would emerge from such a church.  Is it too hard to read 20 - 30 chapters of Scripture a week?  It takes about 20 - 30 minutes each day to accomplish it.  The benefits of that investment, Jesus guarantees, will pay off wildly!  So go ahead and romance God, you will both enjoy it.


  1. Hi Ed, Just came across your blog and really enjoy reading it. I have just started using Neil Cole's LTG cards with two young students in university in England. getting the word into me and these men is the foundational reality for establishing a revelation of the Father in their life. Thank you for all that you write. Bless you.


  2. Hey Tim,
    Thanks for stopping by bro...send me an e-mail and let's talk some more. My e-mail is Talk to you soon!

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Nice blog.. I agree God is a romantic at heart.. he makes you fall in love with him, when he so cares. He loved you always even when you didn't believe in him. But he romances you when you love him back.
    Anu (Ms from India)
    Former atheist and now Nuevo Christian

    1. Hi Anu,
      Prahbu aapke saath rahe! Thanks for leaving a thought here. I love your country and will returning there in November. I would love to hear your story of coming to Jesus from being an atheist. Also, what does it mean to you to be a "Nuevo Christian". Nuevo is Spanish for new, so maybe that is what you mean? Blessings!


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