A Bang Woke Me Up

The firecrackers began to go off at 5:15am this morning breaking a good sleep. I could not go back to sleep and the firecrackers, or 'crackers', as they say here in India, continued for about 30 minutes. It was the end to a very dark and demonic worshp service that began the night before. Even now, at 6:48am, the crackers continue to go off. They sound like they are going off right next to our flat/condo. Last night we had dinner at Titus and Patricia's home. Titus serves on the EID board of directors here in India. I had met them last year - they are a great family and strong partners in the winning India for ministry. The food, once agian, was fantastic. We had a great time sharing the EID/USA vision of handing off this ministry and what it might look like for them to be in total control. Titus and Patricia were grateful for the blessing of being part of this very historic event. Upon our return, we noticed a huge tent erected in the common area of the 'society' (their condo complex). They thought it would may be a wedding and we were excited to be able to at least observe an Indian wedding. (More crackers just went off). As we turned the corner and looked into the tent, we were agast at what we saw. My heart sank and my stomach had a knot in it. It was a Hindu worship/prayer service. The stage had several, what appeared to be, Hindu god thrones or replica thrones (more crackers now) that were to be worshipped. There were people brightly dressed (more crackers) and looked like they were seated on the thrones. We were far away so detail was difficult (more crackers). There was very loud music playing with a drum beat that was other worldly. My stomach knotted up even more and I thought I would vomit. The darkness could be felt by all of us believers. We left after about 3 minutes at the most. As we arrived in the flat, we began to pray and do spiritual warfare. The must was so loud, seven stories up, that we had to speak loudly in our prayers. We prayed for protection, sleep and for the electricity to go out so they would have to abandon their worship service. Well, the electricity did not go out, but we all appear to have slept well and to have been protected. The crackers celebrated the end of the prater service. We all slept with ear plugs, but it seems they did turn down the music about midnight but kept going all night long...amazing. Today we meet for a house church worship service, lunch and then officially handing off the ministry to the EID team. We are having the leader of the Nepal EID arriving to join us today. It will be a great day - tomorrow will be a hard good-bye in the very early morning as we fly to London to visit 2 missionaries before flying home on Wednesday. Thanks so much for your prayers. Blessings, Ed


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