An Atmosphere of Release
Creating an atmosphere of vision, empowerment, release and freedom sounds fun to me. It also sounds out-of-control ☺. In my experience, many Christ followers seem uninterested or possibly afraid of embracing this atmosphere of vision and freedom in ministry. It feels like many want to simply be given instructions to be followed – as long it takes little time. Maybe a common vision for people to be released, freed and empowered within is an answer for people to embrace this atmosphere of vision and freedom.
I want to release and free people to reach-out in their own way(s) so that more and more people are connected to and worshipping Jesus Christ with their lives. This seems to be the best way for a movement of disciples to be reproducing without limit. People, becoming more like Christ (disciples), and reaching-out to touch others with His truth, grace and freedom is what is needed.
• Cast the Vision of reaching out in natural ways.
• Teach the truth of freedom in the Kingdom of God.
• Present opportunities to dream and carry out the vision.
The success of these ideas seems to hinge on God breaking through and influencing common people with a heart to reach out creatively for His glory.
So, Father, I think I’m doing these things – providing vision and freedom. If I’m not, please teach me! Father, I ask you to influence the people I serve to be communal (have a common vision) in their organic churches and in our corporate sense. Please give them the heart to connect to a few not-yet-Christ-followers with the purpose of introducing them to Jesus. Amen
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