Flying to the Ukraine

Sunday, Monday – November 25-26 The sun is rising! It is 7:45am here in Germany and I just ate a Hamburger Royal (that’s German for a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder – no cheese but lots of mayo). I also ordered a diet Coke (Coke light in Germany) and received a regular Coke, oh well. It is about 37 degrees outside and the wind is blowing pretty well. So far my travel has been excellent. I upgraded my seats from Phoenix to Chicago and from Chicago to Frankfurt to get aisle seats and more legroom. It was a good choice for $125.00. I was not sure I would make my flight to Frankfurt because I only had 35 minutes between flights and Chicago’s O’Hare airport is very busy. Thankfully, the flight was delayed about 90 minutes so I made it on the plane just fine – I hope my luggage did too ☺ I spent the flight from Phoenix to Chicago doing some last minute prepping for the week of teaching. The flight from Chicago to Frankfurt was about 7:45 minutes long so after settling into my seat and reading 1 Timothy 1-4, dinner was served. After eating some sort of beef and a salad, I took out my contacts and put on my glasses. I tried watching the movie, Transformers, but I lost interest and decided to put in some earplugs and eyeshades and dozed off and on for about 4 ½ hours. Amazing what 2 benadryl tablets will do to you. After deplaning in Frankfurt, I found my way to the Lufthansa ticket/transfer area to get my boarding pass to Kiev. As I walked through the airport in Frankfurt, I noticed that people seemed to be very subdued. Maybe it was the early hour of the day or was it the culture? I will not be here long enough to find out. It was very different than airport life in the USA. I’m very thankful that much of the world speaks English. I wish I spoke more languages than one and a paltry amount of Spanish. I did use my weak Spanish however. In Chicago, a Spanish speaking man needed to find gate 69a and I was able to help him – amazing how little Spanish I know but yet able to help someone. I’m grateful for that man’s graciousness as I hacked up his language. I’m going to go find my gate here in Frankfurt and get ready to meet the Ukraine. I’m excited, numb and missing home already. I hate traveling alone, but Jesus is with me. Here is a section from 1 Timothy 4 that spoke to my heart this morning, may God use it to speak to yours… “Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.” 1 Timothy 4:15-16


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