A PhD in Missional Living

The best education always includes more than theory.  As we continue to dialogue about having missional lives we must at some point put into action what we have learned.  I would love to hear stories about how you have applied some of the truths/principles that we have talked about over the past couple of months.  It would not only be encouraging to me, but it would spur others, who read your words, on to practice as well.  
For those who have yet to begin to implement the truths on these blogs, here is how you can get your PhD and graduate into the work force :-)
Paul had many practical things to teach those who were becoming disciples of Jesus.  On two different occasions, Paul requested for the same three things regarding putting into the action his missional understanding.  He actually asked believers in Ephesus and in Colossae to pray these three simple things so that he would follow through.  Paul certainly had his PhD in missional living and you can too as you pray these things for yourselves and for others.
Pray:  Paul need prayer.  Living missional must always be bathed in prayer.  As Paul was writing to the believers in Ephesus and Colossae, he requested the same prayer requests regarding talking about Jesus.  Listen to how he asks each group of believers.  
"...pray on my behalf, that utterance may be giving to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly as I ought to speak."  Eph. 6:19-20
"...praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak."  Col. 4:3-4
Paul needed others to pray for him as he went about spreading the good news.  I am certain that I must continue to invite others to pray for me (as I pray for myself) to have the qualities Paul requested to have as well.  
Hear:  One of the things Paul prayed for was for clarity to hear from God.  Jesus promised to give us the right words at the right time as we talk about his grace, mercy and forgiveness to those not yet saved.  In order to receive those words, we must hear them.  Paul prayed it would be clear what he was suppose to say.  He needed to hear from Jesus and he asked others to pray for him to hear clearly.
Do: Paul needed to put what he was hearing into action.  Once he saw the 'door' and knew what to say he had to step into the situation and speak the words that were ready to flow.  He needed boldness and action to be effective so he asked for prayer for these things.  We do know a lot of Paul's story and the prayers of these saints for these things in Paul's life continues to pay off today.  Just think how effective your prayers will be as you pray for me, others and yourself to be able to hear and then do what Jesus says to our hearts!
Pray Hear Do - You now have your PhD in Missional Living.  Ask people to pray for you to hear from God as to where you should focus and who you should focus on along with the boldness to speak the words Jesus will give you.  Now go out and live it and then come back and share your stories with us.


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I think in narrowing it down to Pray, Hear and Do you have really nailed it Ed. Here’s my story.

    For a long time I have been praying for God to open doors in my local community. Very little has happened. However, three times over the last couple of years I have felt that God was asking me to do something at my office. I have worked for this company for 19 years and we usually have anywhere from 20 to30 employees at a time. The first time I heard this request from God I quickly ignored it. I wanted to do evangelism my way which meant being a big success in my community but spending 45 hours a week living the way I wanted to at work.

    I rationalized my way out of the second calling; I was in the midst of a family crisis so surely God wouldn’t want me to take time away from something important like my family just to start a bible study at work. Besides, I had already decided that most of the folks I worked with were beyond help anyways.

    In the meantime I was still praying but nothing was happening: our home group was drifting; a couple of guys that I was trying to disciple were taking two steps back for every one step forward; and every other opportunity to speak I had to speak the gospel seemed to become a dead end.

    The third time God asked me to do something at my office it was a little different. I got the distinct feeling that if I didn’t walk through this door, God would not be happy with me. In fact, I knew that he would be angry. So I talked it over with my wife and then went in to work and took two co-workers aside that I thought might be interested, and asked them if they would like to meet twice a week at lunchtime to pray. Person A was ecstatic about the idea. Turns out she is strong in her faith and thinking of doing overseas mission work someday. Person B is Catholic and asked if this would be tied to Lent somehow. I told him that of course it would. We could do the standard Lenten readings and then spend time in prayer.

    Now nearly half of the office meets twice a week to honor God and pray for one another. It’s a beautiful thing. In looking back, the hardest part was the hearing. I was not listening, I was too busy doing all the talking .

    Now here is the really cool part. Since I obeyed God in this area of my life, He has begun to open doors in all the other areas that seemed to be going nowhere. Individuals I work with are all of the sudden making progress. Our home group has seen an influx of new folks. And people that we had only casual contact within the past have suddenly started to ask us to help with their ministries.

    God was faithful and it was as simple as you presented it: Pray, Hear, Do. Thanks for the opportunity to share.


  2. Jeff, this is an amazing story and thanks for sharing it. I hope others who stop by will read your story and be inspired. If I/we can help you in any way don't hesitate to ask. Where part of the world are located?

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Thanks. I do hope it is inspirational. It is God's doing as there is really nothing special about me.

    Not sure what you could do for me out here. I live about 30 miles west of Chicago. Pray, I suppose. Pray that God would connect me with the right people. It seems like everyone has their own agenda, and they all look and sound very good and spiritual. But it becomes very powerful when two or three are moving in the same direction. Also pray that it becomes clear as to whether I need to lay aside my personal goals to move in tandem with someone else, or whether I need to stay this course until God raises someone else up to walk with me.


  4. Ed, I LOVE your blog, which I saw as a link off the
    CMA site. This is a great post, which I will
    reflect on. Thanks for posting!

  5. Thanks for comments Bruce. May the Lord help you to grow in the faith, sow seeds and see people come to faith.


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